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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

6 Days to Exams

It's Weds already!!! 6 more days to exams then I will have 1 wk holis!!! Not really holis though cuz I still gotta work... c(-_-)'''...
Everything is half done now, my radio model is half done, software program is half done, report is half done... Well... maybe half done is not so bad afterall. I mean since everything is on track ;p
Hmm... Nothing much this week except trying to finish my school stuff. And my boss is starting to pile work on me, dunno which one to start 1st. Quite paisei whether in school or work cuz I'm always 2-hearted, thinking of this when working on that. I wonder how come there are people who can work full-time yet get distinctions for their exams. I think u need alot of concentration and consistency to do that! Only managed 2 dist. for last term...
Gtg back to work. Ciaoz...

ps: Took a quiz. I really so bad ah? Maybe I am. See below....

Congratulations Phil, you are...

Finicky Feline of finickyfeline.liquidblade.com

You may seem sweet on the outside but behind you hide a sharpened claw. You have the observation skills of a forensic detective and can see right through people easily. You attract attention, both good and bad, but more bad than good. You've seen more assholes in life than a proctologist. The bad ones tries to screw you over but quickly learnt that its a bad move because you enjoy screwing them back accordingly.

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