What Do We Live For? Dreams :D

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Bad Dream... Good Dream... Prophecy?

Been sometime since I've last posted~! Somehow I need to get this "mood" to start churning before I can post an entry, and not just write for the sake of keeping my blog up to date.

Anyways, have been REALLY busy with work nowadays... burned two weekends... and will keep burning the following 2-3 weeks. That aside, a few days ago I dreamt, I'd actually call it a good dream? Cuz I woke up smiling.

Age in Dream: 20+
Outfit: T-Shirt/Jeans
Role: A tutor that teaches music
Scenario: Teaches music to a group of students around the age of approx. 12-14

Ok... I know there's nothing fascinating with the above "short" of details, but you know how it's quite rare for us to remember the complete details of a dream. The reason for feeling glad after I woke up is the fact that it has always been my dream to be able to teach music (work in background music industry)...

I almost felt that I was zoomed into the portal of the good ol' secondary school band days. There was goal and passion for the things I did. No matter how extensive the time is spent on the activity, it was never too tiring or stressful. Only the mindset to excel and do my best.

Now that the dream has become impossible, I am back in the line of my career doing design. The difference is that I really dread the long working hours, endless pounding through the nights, and the lack of an active lifestyle besides sitting at the desk, drawing and drawing and drawing... ...

How many people live just to fit into the expectations of the society? A dreaded never ending cycle... Is life all about money, marraige and passing down the line? How many of us really sit down and think of our life besides slogging at our job and families? Is that all there is to a life cycle?


情歌 - 側田

作曲:雷頌德 | 填詞:林夕 | 編曲:雷頌德 | 監製:雷頌德 

為了愛我真受夠傷 但有過愛的分享
為了每次打敗仗 我哭得最響
沒有過愛的技倆 有幾好亦自量
不去用腦想 牽掛又會有幾傷 

聽見最浪漫纏綿的歌 聽幾多次也落淚的歌
我才明愛恨因果 懂得心痛要恭賀
興奮妒忌苦惱怨恨完全憑心魔 然而無論有幾多愛錯
那紀念屬我 開心比苦惱多

#其實傷心都不過為愛 同樣知活得開心靠愛
情像一首歌 可一總可再
付出過偉大到放開 沒有得到好報便分開 (亦勝孤單一個沒戀愛)# 

知不知錯 亦但求被愛
苦戀的 大概與某個他比賽
單戀的 設法參透怎去活到死也要戀愛 

Repeat (#) 

明白我生死都也為愛 孱弱得為了一粒沙感慨
人存在世上 若要悲壯過 便投入愛海沒有害
怕接觸痛苦 全為怕分開
誰亦未信 首先相信愛 

你化了我 眼淚算得甚麼


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